Shattered Realms Classes

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Strength Agility Grit

Specializes in two-handed weapons. Uses special combat attacks in melee. Regenerates health in combat when wearing medium or light armor. Built to be a melee bruiser.

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Survival Vitality Encumbrance

A spellcaster who can use sorcery to heal allies in combat and utilize auras that cleanse corruption, heal, and restore stamina.

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Survival Encumbrance Vitality

Uses shadowbolt, bonds with pets, shapeshifts into demon forms, and utilizes a harmful aura against enemies. They cannot equip heavy armor.

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Vitality Grit Encumbrance

A melee spellcaster who can cast a damaging ability. Specializes in one-handed weapons and shield. Built to tank heavy amounts of damage.

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Accuracy Encumbrance Grit

Is a master of all things magic. Uses their magical abilities to fly. They cannot wear heavy armor.

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Accuracy Encumbrance Survival

Bonds with a pet, gains attack speed and damage from agility. Gains critical strike with bows and swiftness in light and medium armor.

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Agility Grit Accuracy

Sneaks while crouching, shadowstep behind foes, and performs a back attack. Gains swiftness when in light and medium armor and increases damage and attack speed with agility.

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Survival Accuracy Agility

Is a master of shapeshifting. Uses auras to restore health to themself and allies. Gains swiftness when in light and medium armor and cannot equip heavy armor.