
Priest, Midwife, Healer. A cleric is usually someone blessed by divine powers to enact their will in the material realm, empowering their fellows in faith by a steadfast presence.


  • Primary Stat: Survival
  • Secondary Stat: Vitality
  • Minor Stat: Encumbrance
  • Mechanical Class Abilities

  • Spellcaster: Blink, Smite, Mitra's Grace. Spellcasting speed is based on armor weight.
  • Epic Toughness: Reduces all physical damage taken
  • Aura Mastery: Cleansing Aura, Respite
  • Infantry Training: Damage with one-handed weapons is increased, retaliate with a timed block on shield.
  • Roleplay Class Abilities and Spells

  • Passive - Divine Mandate: You gain 2+ to your wisdom
  • Thaumaturgist: Perform a minor miracle, or sign of the supernatural. Alter the appearance of your eyes, cause harmless tremors, or cause lights to flicker, dim, or change colour
  • Roll: N/A

    Type: Alteration

    Cooldown: N/A

  • Command - Halt!: Raise your voice with divine authority, ordering a target to halt in it's tracks. If cast as response to a PVP intent, and the target fails the intelligence save must count down to 10, rather than 5, while those who succeed, including the caster, may start moving after the regular 5. Those locked in a longer countdown may not be attacked.
  • Roll: Caster's Wisdom vs Target's Intelligence

    Type: Evocation Spell

    Cooldown: Once per day

  • Banish – Fiend/Lycanthrope/Undead: Target a creature that is either a fiend, lycanthrope, or undead. If the target fails their constitution roll, must immediately leave the caster for at least 3 map tiles, and may not return for two hours. If cast during PVP consequences, target will gain the weakened status for 24 hours, and lose any positive racial boons for the duration
  • Roll: Caster's Wisdom vs Target's Constitution

    Type: Conjuration Spell

    Cooldown: Once per day

  • Absolve: Target any non-cursed creature within hearing range, granting them immunity to fear for two hours.
  • Roll: Caster's Wisdom

    Type: Evocation Spell

    Cooldown: Once per day

  • Greater Anodyne: Target any non-cursed creature within hearing range, lowering their injury status by two levels.
  • Roll: N/A

    Type: Evocation Spell

    Cooldown: Once per day

  • Ritual - Exorcism: Cures severe curses, such as Lycanthropy and Vampirism. Exorcises demonic influence. Caster must perform an elaborate ritual with the cursed creature present, and willing. Submit the full timestamped scene in a ticket for DM approval. Roll 1d100 for the odds of success (The roleplay itself will be the main determining factor)
  • Cost: 3 Light of Krlylland, 5 Molten Hearts, 1500 Gold Dust, 1500 Silver Dust

    Cooldown: Once per week