

  • Primary Stat: Accuracy
  • Secondary Stat: Encumbrance
  • Minor Stat: Survival
  • Mechanical Class Abilities

  • Weapon Finesse: Increases damage and attack speed with one-handed weapons.
  • Stealth: Attacking out of crouching deals bonus damage. Increased movement speed while crouching.
  • Bow Mastery: Critical strike with ranged weapons
  • Swiftness: Increases movement speed based on armor weight, lighter armor allows for faster movement.
  • Beast Tamer: Bond with a non-human companion granting you and your pet boons. Health regen increased while bonded to the pet.
  • Roleplay Class Abilities and Spells

  • Passive - Call of the Wild: You gain 1+ to dexterity and 1+ to wisdom
  • Passive - Awareness: The ranger's ability to perceive their environment is greater than most others, allowing them to be more perceptive. The ranger has advantage on all perception rolls at all times.
  • Arrow to the Knee: The ranger shoots and arrow at a target's knee, crippling them for a short duration of an encounter. This does not inflict Injured Status. If used as response to a PVP intent, and the target fails the dexterity save, they must count down to 10, rather than 5, while all others that are involved will begin the fight at 5. Those locked in a longer countdown may not be attacked.
  • Roll: Dexterity vs Dexterity

    Type: Ability

    Cooldown: Once per day

  • Sacred Bond: If a ranger is targeted by a spell or ability, the ranger's pet may attack and interrupt, deflect, or take the hit for the ranger, causing the said ability/spell to have no effect. When you use your pet for this ability, the pet must be put on stop following, and unable to attack if a PVP intent takes place.
  • Roll: N/A

    Type: Ability

    Cooldown: Once per day