
Holy warriors, usually ordained by clergy, and bound by an oath wich they are sworn to uphold. Paladins range from crusaders in a royal entourage swearing fealty to a Monarch, to that of wandering vigilantes keeping whatever forces may hinder their objective at bay


  • Primary Stat: Vitality
  • Secondary Stat: Grit
  • Minor Stat: Encumbrance
  • Mechanical Class Abilities

  • Aura Mastery: Respite
  • Spellcaster/Tactics: Smite
  • Infantry Training: Damage with one-handed weapons is increased, retaliate with a timed block on shield.
  • Armor Proficiency: Chance to take reduced damage. Damage reduction based on armor weight, heavier armor absorbs more damage. In addition, your damage reduction cap from armor is increased.
  • Roleplay Class Abilities and Spells

  • Passive - Divine Warden: You gain 1+ to your strength and charisma
  • Divine Sight: Peer past physical appearances, able to sense an opponents true nature. The target will feel the divine sight if used on them
  • Roll: Caster's Perception vs Target's Disguise

    Type: Clairvoyance

    Cooldown: N/A

  • Command - Halt!: Raise your voice with divine authority, ordering a target to halt in it's tracks. If cast as response to a PVP intent, and the target fails the intelligence save must count down to 10, rather than 5, while those who succeed, including the caster, may start moving after the regular 5. Those locked in a longer countdown may not be attacked.
  • Roll: Caster's Wisdom vs Target's Intelligence

    Type: Evocation Spell

    Cooldown: Once per day