Shattered Realms RP

Real Sorcery

Shattered Realms uses Indrid's Custom Classes and Races to implement spells and new combat mechanics to fit our storyline.

Balanced Classes

Our goal is to keep each class and race feeling powerful, so every character has a chance to shine.

Homebrew Lore

The main story follows the lore behind the Isle of Siptah, however new zones to other lands have opened which has brought high fantasy creatures

Season One Setting

Twenty years have passed since the first great surge of sorcery swept across the Thurian continent, unleashing unfathomable horrors, and unimaginable wonders alike upon the world. The thin veil separating the prime material realm of man, from that of the mystical plane of magic and the old Gods swept aside like cobwebs, under the onslaught of uncontrollable surges of energy.

Hyborian scholars did long theorize what caused this unfortunate event, what caused such horrors and wonders to be unleashed upon this world once more. It was as if through the eras of myth and legend of old had made a return, albeit an unstable, and dangerous one. For though it allowed those with an affinity for the unnatural, the clairvoyant, the humble healers, and the quick-witted scholar alike, to tap into greater powers, It also came at a great cost. The grand armies of the proud Hyborian kingdoms were stretched thin, trying in futility to contain the more monstrous beings slipping through the veil, and in their desperation, they made alliances with the more reasonable beings from beyond.

Now, on the brink of catastrophe, Kingdoms, and empires from all across Thuria have sent expeditions to a long-fabled isle off the coast of Stygia, shrouded in myth and legend. It seems as if though all the signs point towards the isle is a center point for the wild sorceries unleashed upon the world, though what role it plays, remains a mystery...

As your ship touches upon the alien beachhead of this mysterious isle, you are given a brief recounting of what awaits you here:

Noul Yezud: Zamorian outpost founded five years ago, in a very short time, it grew from a campsite and into the glutted, decadent townscape that is so characteristic of their kind. The dusky Zamorians peddling their wares, be they sentient or not, are welcoming and inviting of even the most heinous creatures, provided they bring profit. Cambions, Dark Elves, Vampires, and Khor alike, can frequently be seen moving about the shadowy populace as if though they were ordinary men.

Moonfall: The adventurous Lunar Elves, along with their Woodland kin, quickly found a foothold in this new world, though relations with humans can be fickle at times, they generally align. Ruled by an elusive, distant council of elders, Moonfall is a haven for those seeking respite and shelter on this unforgiving isle.